Monday, November 29, 2010

A New Journey

Welcome to our blog. We have received an overwhelming amount of care and concern and well wishes on our journey so far. To recap, about October 12, 2010 I noticed some lack of strength in my right hand and thought it was strange that I needed to concentrate more on holding my guitar pick. I didn't think much of it at the time. Over the next 3 weeks I noticed increasing weakness and lack of coordination in my right hand and then I saw my doctor and asked him about it. He ordered a CT scan within 2 weeks.

On Sunday November 7th, I was speaking in church and noticed some funny things happening during my message. I began to lose my balance and had to hold onto the podium, and at the same time, I noticed the feeling in my right hand and right side was going. By the end of the message, I had developed a pronounced tic in my right hand and I wasn't sure what was going on. I finished my message, sat down and immediately called a friend over to take me to the hospital.

Two CAT scans that afternoon revealed a brain tumour. The next morning I was taken to Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg to speak with a neurosurgeon, who confirmed the diagnosis. I have a Grade 4 Glioblastoma on the left side of my brain which has affected my speech center, my motor control and the strength on my right side.

 What a way to change your Christmas plans!

The last 3 weeks have been a whirlwind of tests, brain surgery, a biopsy, meeting my Brain Tumor Clinic team, and entering a whole new world. I am no longer working because of this and Shannon has a new full time job, taking care of me!

My symptoms are gradually getting worse and worse, and everyday I notice diminished capacity.

I begin Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy on Wednesday December 1st. I will have this 6-7 weeks.

We will keep you updated but for now we want you to know that talking on the phone is very difficult and personal visits are limited to one a day, for 15-20 minutes. Thanks for respecting this. Many of you have expressed desire to get together and I hope you understand our situation.

Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers, for all the very delicious meals and for all the different ways you have supported our family so far. We feel loved and well cared for.


1 comment:

  1. Hey guys,
    This is Heather Gray (from Florida) I just wanted you to know that Ramsy continues to be in our prayers. If you get a chance could you give an update on how treatments are going. If not I fully understand. Just know that we love you very much.
