Monday, January 31, 2011

Hello again!

Well, it's been a long time.  We had assorted computer issues, and it seemed that every time I decided to update the blog, the computer decided that I wouldn't.  Now I have prevailed! (Or at least the computer has not chosen to sulk...)

These last two weeks have been spent getting used to life at home.  Ramsy has always been wanting to do more than he is able (and he knows it- he dictated that line to me!) and I am learning when to step in and be bossy about resting and when to keep my mouth shut.  The first few days were full with new bathtub/toilet installation, carpet cleaning (thanks, Kevin, for moving furniture :) ), and appointments.  He had helpful appointments with the occupational therapist, physiotherapist, and massage therapist. Ramsy thought all the activity was great until Thursday, when he crashed.  We have ventured out into group settings a few times and have discovered that although Ramsy enjoys seeing people, the group thing is still overwhelming for his brain.  Even sitting in a restaurant with the family exhausts him, I think because of having to filter out all the sounds and activity around him.  So for now, we will be very sparing with group settings.  Short visits, 15-30 minutes, earlier than 8 pm, still seem to work the best for him.

Our family has really enjoyed the new, much more comfortable tub upstairs.  It's great for soaking! (Or sleeping- one family member was discovered bundled in the tub, blankets and all, this morning!) Unfortunately, there was an incident on Saturday where Ramsy's relaxing soak was hijacked by a seizure. It only lasted a short time, but afterwards he was unable to talk for awhile and ended up sitting in the tub for some time waiting for someone to come help him out.  We're not sure what caused this seizure- the first one since early December- but we are going for blood tests today to check his medication levels.  Back to showers for the next while!  Sunday was spent recovering from the seizure-induced fatigue, and today is much better.  He is doing dishes as we compose this.

We received a very nice phone call last week telling us that Ramsy has been selected as our little town's Citizen of the Year for 2010!  When I told him, he said, "What for?  What did I do?" There will be a dinner at the end of February for the 3 chosen citizens (there are also a youth citizen of the year and a lifetime candidate selected) when there will be kind speeches given in their honour and a yummy supper.  We have enjoyed attending in other years to see friends honoured, so it's pretty special to be going in the other role this time.

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