Monday, September 23, 2013

Black Dog (Approach)

Here it is again.

Familiar but in different incarnation.

After my first startled glance I eye it now and then.  It is still some distance off, maybe, silhouetted, or perhaps has sprung at me from cover.  It waits, and even while my gaze is fixed elsewhere I know it regards me.

I take its measure: what will you be this time?  Cannot tell until it is upon me: understated/sorrowful/poignant/joy-tinged/terrible/overwhelming/empty/consuming/alarming/disappointing - or something new?

I am wary as we meet. It greets me in its fashion.  It passes.  It will pass again, familiar yet not.
It is the anniversary
of our meeting
our marriage
the birth of our child
the first time he kissed me
our weekly date
the making of coffee
of the surgery, the needles, the seizures, the silence -
it is the anniversary of the beginning
of the end
of all the days that didn't used to matter.



  1. We've been remembering and missing Ramsy so much. Love you all- prayers for you, Katy, Tom and Jane.
    Ed and Vi

  2. Today is the death of my dad's death. I remember him. Some memories come to mind. I cry and remember that it is ok to cry, that it is normal and natural. Ramsy taught me that. You and Ramsy taught me so many different things. I am very thank ful for all of those teachings, all of the prayers that you both said for me and all of the prayers that you still pray for me.

    Today I also remembered Ramsy. The thought came to mind about the last three times I saw him in hospital, three days in a row I went to see him and each time he was awake. I consider those last three visits with him a gift from God. I had the change to tell Ramsy everything I wanted to tell him for a long time. Thank you Jesus!

    Shannon, Ramsy was a very special person and I too remember and miss Ramsy so much. I love you all very much. I will be praying for, Katy, Tom, and Jane.

    1. Shannon,
      I was reading over what I had written last night and realized that there were a couple of spelling errors, that's nothing new for me lol. But more importantly I noticed that I mentionned that I would pray for Katy, Tom and Jane but I wanted to let you know that I will also be praying for you.
      Love you,

  3. We love you, Shannon - thank you again for sharing your heart xoxoxo

  4. Thinking about you lots this week.
    With much love, and support always -
    Yolanda and family

  5. Shannon -You have been in my thoughts and I wish I could give you a big hug!
    Thanks for continuing to share your beautiful writing with us.
    Love, Eileen
