Thursday, December 23, 2010

Symptom City!

Yesterday was the 15th of the 30 radiation treatments.  Ramsy has been delighted to notice that in the last 5 or 6 days, there has been no worsening of his symptoms, plus he has quite good stamina compared to a couple of weeks ago!  Hooray!  This is very encouraging for us.  None of the medical team can say for sure whether or not he will regain any of the abilities he has lost so far, as each person's case is so different; however, we would be really happy if he could even just stay where he is now. 

Some of you have asked what his symptoms are right now, so here's the list:

  • pronounced weakness on the right side.  He cannot move his right arm or hand at all.  His right foot drags somewhat when he walks, especially when he is tired.
  • tiredness!  Although as I said, this is abating somewhat.
  • lack of concentration.  It is difficult for him to read a book because of the sustained concentration required, but he enjoys reading magazines.  Thank goodness for the weekly Maclean's issue!
  • difficulty speaking.  This takes the form of hunting for the correct word, flipping words or syllables around (if he is giving you directions, double-check on the "go right" or "go left" by pointing!), or slurred speech.  This is all easier when he is well-rested, and gets more pronounced when he is tired.
  • strange taste.  As in food, not as in clothing or decor choices!  Most foods have an unpleasant aftertaste for him.  Sometimes he can drink his beloved coffee, and sometimes it tastes horrible to him!
Ramsy has such a great attitude towards all these difficulties, which is helped immensely by his great sense of humor.  I know it can be a bit shocking for some people to hear us joking about his "spaghetti arm" or his referring to himself as "tumor boy", but it truly helps us to cope by laughing when we can laugh, and by not taking ourselves too seriously.  We spend a lot of time thinking and talking about the positives:  all the generous help we have received, the way our church is supporting us, the delicious meals we are getting delivered, the time we get to spend in each other's company, the things he is still able to do.  He has shaved his head and is now completely bald, since he was missing at least a third of his hair.  We think it looks pretty good on him!  (Someone thought he was entering a Mr. Shindle look-alike contest with the new hairdo and his glasses.)  

We are glad to be spending this Christmas with family from Saskatchewan, Quebec, and Illinois as well as the family members close by.  We wish each of you reading this a Christmas with moments of inner joy and peace, even if your circumstances are difficult and your heart is sometimes heavy. Something Ramsy and I have heard all of our lives and are now finding to be absolutely true and immensely helpful:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:6&7

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