Thursday, March 3, 2011

Downhill all the way!

Well, Ramsy has had his first round of the second set of chemo treatments.  It is the same chemo drug as before, so we were confident that side effects would be minimal.  Wrong!  This dose is more than double what he was taking last time, and it knocked his energy right out!  By the fourth day of five he had no energy at all (probably because he was out for three hours the evening before) and was also experiencing some pretty bad headaches.  We're not sure whether these were caused by the anti-nausea drug (can be one of the side effects) or one of his other many drugs, or if his medications needs adjusting- we're waiting to hear the blood test results for that.  Speech is quite difficult for him these days, and just for added fun he had a seizure in the night once and the next day he fell.  We know how to party!  It is difficult for all of us to live in a constant state of flux. Sometimes we just have to laugh, and sometimes we just have to cry. What else can you do?

Some of you have said that you feel bad about not phoning or dropping in, but I will tell you honestly that we know you are thinking of us and love us.  We love your prayers and the cards or emails that you send- they mean so much to us.  Since it is so difficult for Ramsy to talk on the phone but he is able to read your well-wishes, that is a great way to let him know you are thinking of him.


  1. Hey Ramsy! Joyce here - just felt the need to say HI! I had to laugh a little when Shannon said you don't like being the center of attention - I guess some things do change! Remember all the trumpet trios we used to do with Tammi? Remember how you pulled me through chemistry and I coached you through English? I probably wouldn't have made it into nursing school without you making sure I passed chemistry :) Nursing has taken a bit of a toll on my club foot, and I'm having a knee replacement next Tuesday. So picture me with a walker, and have a good laugh! Seriously, Ramsy, I think of you and Shannon and your children almost every day, and you are in my prayers, and also my church's prayers. Love ya buddy, and keep shining your light. Joyce (Toews) Knoll

  2. We are thinking of you and your family and praying for you! I found this verse in Deut. that encouraged me this week. Deut. 4:7 "Wha other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him?"

    May you all sense and experience His nearness to you.

  3. Hi Ramsy, I'm not sure if you remember me or not, but we met when you were in Nanaimo a few years back. I just wanted to say that I am thinking of and praying for you and Shannon as you walk through this difficult process. The hope in Christ that you are exhibiting through this is truly an inspiration.

  4. Hi Ramsy, Shannon, Katie, Tom and Jane;
    Thanks for the time and effort you put into keeping us informed about your journey via this blog. You are in my thots and prayers frequently. I love you and wish I could give you a great BIG hug! I hope you all experience moments of peace and joy amidst all the uncertainty and stress from day to day. Grandma also thinks of you and asks about you often, despite her own limitations and frustrations. She has much compassion for you all. Love, Auntie Eileen.

  5. Hi Ramsy... Dan Jansen here. I've been thinking about you a lot lately. Tonight as I was reading the Psalms, I came across Psalm 62, and immediately thought of you singing "Only in God" by John Michael Talbot. I took out my guitar and actually remembered the chords. Your singing and guitar playing were actually the reasons behind me ever getting a guitar. I can't play or sing like you, but your voice for this song is locked in my head... I can hear you singing it like it was 5 minutes ago. I went to youtube and listened to JMT sing it... he sucks! We haven't kept in touch over the years, but I have great memories of you on so many fronts, some of which I can't mention here. "Silven" and "Norie" share the same sentiments as I do, I am sure. Thanks for updating.. you and Shannon make me laugh... makes me wish I was closer to ya'll. Will be thinking and praying on this end buddy!!
