Thursday, March 10, 2011

On the Upswing

We have been happy over the last couple of days to see improvements in Ramsy's energy compared to a week ago.  He is feeling quite a bit better and looking forward to having a couple of good weeks before the next chemo treatment.  When I spoke with his nurse about his fatigue, she said it typically sets in around the third day of treatment and begins letting up about day 9.  This is pretty much what we experienced, and now we will be mentally better prepared next time.  Just have to plan for a week of resting!

The amazing beard continues to flourish and donations have been coming in steadily.  Thank you!  One of our kids asked tonight why people would donate money for a beard!  She got it when we explained that the money is not for the beard, it's for helping people with cancer and the beard contest just makes it a bit fun.  The beard "judging" is on the 26th, and we will be able to give you a total then.


  1. Hi Ramsy, Shannon, Katy, Tom and Jane - Good to hear you are having a bit of a break from some of the symptoms and side effects. Thanks for your efforts is keeping us so well informed. It was also enjoyable to read some of the comments from family and friends, far and near - certainly your musical gifts have touched many! I can still hear the girls in my kitchen harmonizing the song from Alvin and the Chipmunks "Had a bad day" and my sons staring at them in amazement, asking "How do they sing like that"? And do you remember the weiner roast in the backyard where we discovered that when a tree falls over, it DOES make a sound? Quite a bit of noise, in fact! We still have some of those logs, if you need any...

  2. Quick note from your Florida family,
    Ignore my previous comment because I am a bit confused on this whole blog thing but I finally figured it out. Ron, Heather, Courtney, Jonathan and Zachary love you all very much and are praying for you as is our church. We are in continuing to pray for all of you as you continue on this journey the Lord has set before you.

  3. Hi Ramsey and Shannon,
    Appreciate all the updates and the courageous way you are facing this challenge. I can't imagine how you do it, Ramsey, with all the chemo drugs you have to take. I'm just on 2 and that's enough to set me back.
    We're praying for you and your family, as is our church. I will never forget the time you took to come and visit and pray for me (and Mary) when I was in Health Sciences following my lung surgery. This was just 10 days prior to your diagnosis of a brain tumour. You blessed me with your humility and love.
    Thank you for the blessing you have been to us when you served as worship leaders at Pastors' & Spouses Retreat. Your unpretentious manner would naturally lead us to praise and worship of Jesus.
    Here's a verse that Mary and I have taken much comfort in during dark periods in our lives. They encouraged us to keep on trusting when the way ahead was dark and uncertain. May they be that for you as well.
    Isaiah 50:9a, 10: "It is the Sovereign Lord who helps me...Who among you fears the Lord and obeys the word of His servant. Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God."
    In His loving grip,
    Ted & Mary Goossen

  4. How great to have a visit with you today. Wishing a wonderful trip to Saskatoon and hugs to your family there. Ramsy your beard is a thing of beauty!
    Love Dorothy

  5. Praying, Ramsy. Think of you and your family often. Tracy Wiebe Reimer

  6. Hey Ramsey and Shannon,
    I have to say, I'm impressed with the beard. I saw a Jason Silver post on facebook today, and was reminded of the time that he and I pulled the name switcheroo stunt on tour choir. Don't know if you recall that occasion, but I do recall you being plenty foul with us both! Ahh ... fun times (well, ok, fun in hindsight, anyways) Wanted you to know that I'm continuing to follow the blog and continuing to pray for you guys.

    Bob Munshaw

  7. So good to hear that you have more energy. It was so good to see you in church this Sunday. Praying without ceasing for you and your family.

  8. Ramsey,

    I was sorry to hear of your illness. My friend Lydia Penner heard from her parents that you were sick and when she found this blog I just thought I would post you a short note.

    I remember our College days at MBBC fondly, as well as your willingness to play the trumpet at Linda and my wedding. Hope you experience God's accompaniment through the ups and downs of the illness.

    I'll be praying for you.

    Cal Wiebe


  9. Hi Ramsey we are all praying for you here in Kelowna Bc.I know that God is with you and your family at this time

    Take care love
    Gus and Jane Sigurdson
