Saturday, June 18, 2011

Navigating through the fog

I've just read back through the last two posts and I see it's time to bring you up to speed on the new treatment and how we are doing.  Ramsy has been on this study drug for 4 weeks now, and I guess the most accurate thing to say is that we are reserving judgment.  He takes the pills every morning on an empty stomach, and so far the side effects have been manageable- only 2 "incidents", as we like to refer to them.  We are very thankful for this.  There is one other person in Winnipeg taking this drug, and from what our nurse tells us, she has had much rougher going than Ramsy! 

As for whether the drug is helping Ramsy at all, we are really not sure.  He has felt increased weakness in his right foot/leg, for one thing; his speech continues to come and go according to no pattern that we can see (Chaos Theory, anyone?), but in the last two weeks we have noticed a new "fogginess" about his thoughts.  Instead of him being stuck on a word that is right there in his mind and just can't come out, the process of expressing a thought seems to be more like picking up a blob of mercury: the more you try to grab hold of it, the more it scatters into little pieces.  (Y'all know I'm old, right? Like, we used glass thermometers with mercury in them when I was little?) It has also been taking him a long time to fully lose the grogginess after he wakes up in the morning or after a nap.  Obviously, this has been concerning for us.  We mentioned this to his nurse on Friday, thinking that it might be a sign that the tumor is growing.  That is a possibility, but the nurse also said that sometimes when a tumor shrinks, there can be rebound swelling, and that could also account for the fog.  The first thing we are trying is increasing his steroids (which are used to counteract swelling) to see whether the symptoms respond to that.  Boy, do we hope so!  To me it seems that the fog is a little less thick today than it was yesterday, but again all we can do is wait and see.

We have been asked by quite a few people, "How do you do it?  You always seem so positive."  In one way, the answer is:  We don't know.  We don't feel like we are behaving or thinking in any special way, or "being strong", or anything like that; we are just being ourselves, and also don't know any other way to do it besides just doing the next thing that needs to be done, and finding the good things about being together so much, and enjoying the humor when we can. 

In another way, I guess the answer is: God helps us.  He gives us peace that does not come from any thing we do, or any attitude that we strive for, or any positive thinking that we maintain.  For the first time I am experiencing the fact that this is purely a gift given to us to help us in our great need.  He also makes sure that friends, family, and even complete strangers help us.  We have been given money, gift cards, food, letters of encouragement, smiles, parking spots, a gorgeously built ramp in the front of our house, and all of these things are reminders for us that He sees us, He knows how completely helpless we are, and He loves us.  That's just who He is.  How cool to be learning that truth through life experience so that we know it for ourselves, and it isn't just a Sunday School lesson anymore.


  1. Just a short note to let you know that Marge and I (Dale) pray for you most days. We appreciate your blog ... may God's grace, peace and comfort uphold you all.

  2. Greetings! My name is Marilyn Funk (Tiessen). Ramsey and I were in the same graduating class. Please let Ramsey know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. Hi Shannon & Ramsy,

    So sorry to hear about the increasing difficulties with speech/language expression.
    Hopefully the steroids will bring some improvement. Thanks for keeping us updated. Will continue to pray for strength and stamina as you go through these great difficulties.
    I love you guys!
    We're having Grandma's 93rd Birthday celebration in my back yard on Sunday. Wish you could be here with us too.
    Hugs to you both as well as to the kids.


  4. Martha and I (Andrew) continue to ache with you, and to desire God's blessings for you!

  5. So encouraging to hear how God is carrying you through this difficult time. It's amazing how all the prayers of those around you really do carry you, isn't it?

  6. The Lord Jesus continues to put you, Ramsy, and your family on my heart, even though I don't know you at all. With great tenderness and empathy I feel led to recommend a book to you that continues to be a great help to me regarding healing: The Gospel of Healing by A. B. Simpson. This is free online as an E book. As the Holy Spirit leads...
    --love in Christ Jesus

  7. Hi Ramsy and Shannon,
    I can only nod my head in agreement with you as I read your response to "How do you do it?" Having been through a very similar family experience not too long ago, I understand what it means to just continue taking one step at a time day by day. Of course, the road is very difficult and one that none of us would ever choose but with no other choice before you, isn't is quite miraculous how God continues to be that "wind beneath your wings", providing the peace and strength to continue on each day? How incredible to know that you can count on Him to carry you today, no matter how volatile the circumstances of each day may be. May you feel the soft whispers of our heavenly Father and the calming wind of the Holy Spirit this day as He gently moves you forward with the care and love that only He can give! We continue to pray for God's healing, wisdom, direction, and PEACE for all of you as you walk through this difficult journey. Just know that you are loved and brought before God's throne daily by so many. Renae and Greg

  8. Ramsy,
    you were such a blessing to many of us during your years at Aldersgate.
    As someone who was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2000 I am living proof that God answers prayers and miracles do happen.

    Please know many of us are standing with you in prayer as you walk this path.

  9. Ramsy, I love you bud-- I think of you often and wonder what you're up to. You had a big impact on my life and my leadership and God bless you for that! Shannon, I think about you and your sis a lot too, and wonder what's going on.

    George Closs pointed out this blog on the Aldersgate Group on Facebook, and I was glad to find a way to connect with you, but so sad that you're going through such a hard time. I promise to pray lots for you both. Hang in there!

    Love you so much!

  10. Hi Shannon and Ramsey,

    My heart is broken for you and your family. I know the journey of cancer all to well, as I have gone through it as well the last few years. God's Hand is always on you, even though in the dark moments it is hard to fathom. Isaiah 43:1-3a was a constant comfort for me, I pray it is for you as well.

    Ramsey, I have often wondered how you were doing since Aldersgate. Your spirit and energy are things I have never forgotten! Shannon, I didn't have the blessing of being at college the same time you were and always wished I had been. Please know that I will be praying for you and your family. My two sons (10 & 8), have made it their personal task to pray for those battling cancer. I will be certain to pass your need along to them. Much prayer will reach Father for you and your family!

    Love in our Lord,
    Melissa (Peckham) Crerar
