Saturday, August 13, 2011

We're back

Once again, the weeks have slipped by and it is way past time for an update. I just read over my last post and realize how many things have changed in the last three weeks or so.  It feels like we are at a new stage again in this journey, and it always takes several weeks and a ton of energy (physical and emotional) to adjust to a new one. 

Ramsy finished the first of these chemo rounds this week.  Next one starts this Wednesday the 17th.  Thanks to all of you who pray for him to be able to manage all those pills.  It was not fun for him, but he did it with a little less difficulty than I expected.  Over these three weeks, he has become very weak and tired; he has lost all use of his right leg, except to take a short step with it while supported firmly on that side; because of the tiredness and lack of strength in that leg, he has not been able to get out of the wheelchair as much anymore, so he has lost strength in his good leg.  This all makes him very wobbly, and he really needs firm support pretty well all the time he is up.  In addition, he is sometimes dizzy.

He is not having headaches as often as he was a month ago, and he is mostly not "foggy" the way he was in June.  His language has not come back at all, so he is still limited to "yes" and "no".  "Yes" is harder and often comes out as, "No.  Ah!"  He still understands most of what is said to him, probably at least 80% judging by his quick responses to my jokes and comments, but sometimes when I ask him a question he just looks at me and I know he didn't get it, so I ask again.  That usually works.  Through questioning, I have found out from him that he hears the words that are spoken (as opposed to gibberish) but the meaning is missing for that moment.  

Another change is increased confusion over daily tasks.  He needs a lot more support for many things than he did a few weeks ago.  It is a challenge for him to choose between options offered to him- better to just offer one and wait for him to indicate "yes" or "no".  Sometimes he will start a task, such as brushing his teeth, and get "lost" in the middle.  I need to come alongside him and remind him what to do next.  This means that for both of us to get up and ready for the day takes up most of the morning; if you come to the door at 9 or 10 or 11 am, you may find me still in my pjs- but that's ok.  I have found myself able to relax about that since I remembered the mindset I had when our kids were newborns: the caretaking is not interrupting my morning "to do" list, it is my morning "to do" list.

Someone asked me recently, "So if he can't talk, and he has some trouble understanding, is he still 'there'?  Is he still himself?"  The answer is a definite yes.  He is very much himself: even-keeled, cheerful, loving, always ready to laugh at a good (or lousy) joke or at himself, patient, sometimes stubborn.  He rolls his eyes at things he is annoyed at, he teases me by acting silly or bratty.  When people meet up with him and say, "Hi, Ramsy," he is sometimes silent because he can't respond with "Hi", but he knows exactly what's going on around him most of the time.  Even though this stage is physically and emotionally demanding for me, I feel so lucky to have him with me every day.  It is so, so painful to think of him not getting better, and to see him struggle with tasks, and to not be able to have him tell me what he is thinking.  It is often difficult to write the hard things in this blog, because somehow writing them makes them seem more real, but it's important to me to let our friends know what's happening, and also to keep a record for our family. I cry most days.  But then, we also laugh every day, and enjoy eating chips together or watching a movie or seeing the hawks above the fields.  There is something good every single day, and I want to remember those things, too.


  1. you're my hero too.


  2. I love and miss you both. My heart is heavy, and my prayers are with you.

  3. Thank you for being real and honest. Thank you for the comment about caretaking not interupting your daily to do list. What a reminder. I love your honesty and your willingness to serve your husband in such a way. You are a gift to Him and your kids. Praying for you guys.

  4. I weep with you when I read your updates. My heart aches for you all! You are in my thots and prayers frequently and I love you dearly.

  5. Dearest Ramsy and Shannon,
    It's Roxanne Collie/Hobart/Price from Willow Park in Kelowna from 1996 to 2000. I am so sorry about all the two of you and your kids have been through since 2010.
    For some reason today, I couldn't get you guys out of my mind. I was looking for you today on Facebook and I got frustrated and did a google search and found this blog.
    Ramsy, your friendship meant so much to me when we worked at Willow Park together. Your sensitivity and thoughtfulness always blessed me.
    Shannon, you are such an amazing woman. You have always been wise beyond your years. Thank you so much for all the great memories that I have tucked into my heart of the two of you.
    I miss you. I am profoundly sorry for your pain. Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers and I will be on the website often to find updates. I understand that you have too much going on to call but know that I am with you.
    Love, Roxanne

  6. Shannon and Ramsy;
    Tears and care giving and laughter and seeing something good to remember in every day....thanks...I really needed to be reminded of the importance of these things.
    May God continue to give you grace and strength for each day.
    Sylvia Shepherd

  7. Hi Shannon and Ramsy,

    Thanks so much for taking the time to write the blog and keep us updated. It is a good way to know how we can pray most effectively for you, but it also is a good reminder of why we love you! You two are a mighty inspiration. Keep on keeping on.
    God bless,

    Jennifer Hamill

  8. Thanks for the update Shannon, and for your honesty. Many days my thoughts and prayers are with you guys, and I marvel at how God is 'carrying' you through this journey. Your strength is amazing and I know that it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that you are able to carry on each day. I love you guys and will continue to pray for God's mercy and love to surround you.

    Love Donna Tarr

  9. Hi Ramsy. I'm not sure if you will remember me. We went to MBBC together. I think the last time I saw you was at a choral fest concert in Calgary. That was a long time ago! Marguerite Wieler passed on the web address for your blog a while back. Reading through the posts was hard. Although I have never met you Shannon -- thanks for the posts and the blog. I admire your strenght. Ramsy, you have been in my thoughts since I first read the blog.
    This morning I heard Bill Hamm being interviewed for the Calgary cbc morning show – he was talking about the upcoming 15 minutes of fame music festival in Rosebud. He had a great description of one of the bands – he noted that the band squawks, grunts and groves! When I was reading some more of the blog today, that description came to mind and I figured Ramsy would get a kick out of a description like that! You are in my thoughts! Take care.

    Brad Braun

  10. You are so amazing at letting us know how you are doing but also how it makes you feel. I am so blessed to have you in my life!!

  11. Hi. My name is Janet Harms Masich and I have never met you but heard about your story and your blog from Trev and Rebekah. Thank you for your candor along with your humor in your writing. I too have walked the cancer journey with my husband, who was a pastor. Our children were 9 and 12. I hurt with you in your struggle and will uphold you in prayer as I'm sure many other are doing as well. I'm glad to hear that you have so much support, but I realize at the same time that no other person can carry your pain away and the anxiety of the unknown. One thing that really helped me was posting scripture all over the house, especially my kitchen, where I spent so much time. The word 'hope' became a lifeline to me and most of the versed I posted contained the word. Don't get me wrong. These weren't fancy-lettered plaques on my walls! Just sheets of paper with marker and sticky-tack plastered to my cupboards, but they helped me battle discouragement. And I knew that the battle I was in was not only against cancer (or flesh and blood as the Bible puts it) but against the enemy who wanted to win in any way he could, even if it was to defeat my spirit and take away my joy.
    Please keep posting your journey. It is a tool that the Holy Spirit can use to remind us to keep lifting you up to His throne.

  12. Hi Ramsy and Shannon,
    I heard about your health struggles, Ramsy, and thought I would say hello and let you know I'm thinking about you. I'll assume you remember me from days gone by. I can still picture you bouncing with enthusiasm as you directed our choir, and well remember your lovely tenor voice.
    Shannon, you are a strong woman and Ramsy is lucky to be so loved. I wish you both the strength and peace to get through these days. You are so right, Shannon, to find the good in each day and hang on to it. All my very best, Diane
