Saturday, July 16, 2011

MRI Results

We  had a very long day yesterday!  I was up at 4:30 and Ramsy followed at 5 so we could make it to Health Sciences for 7:00.  Blech.  I am not really a morning person, especially if that morning is actually still in the nighttime.  But we did it, had the MRI, had the blood test, went to crash at a friend's house in the city for a couple of hours, and then back to Cancer Care to see the Dr. at 1:00.  Then the radiologist had not read the scan yet, so we had to wait a little longer before getting the results.

Anyway, we were not very surprised to hear that the study drug did not help Ramsy, and the tumor is somewhat larger.  The doctor said that it is "not significantly larger", but there is some growth, especially in the spots that were smaller to begin with.  There is also still a fair amount of swelling, the same as a couple of months ago, so I figure that bit of growth combined with the swelling accounts for Ramsy's increased symptoms.  Ramsy was able to say a few extra words beyond yes or no in the office, but I had to do the talking for both of us.  Through the Dr.'s questions, and clarifying Ramsy's answers, Ramsy also let us know that there are some times when he has trouble understanding what is said to him, although it's not a large chunk of the time.  Still, this is worrisome to me, and hard to accept in addition to his loss of speech.

We have been offered a couple of medication options that we will be talking about over the weekend and making a decision on.  One is pretty standard and the other is newer.  I will be working on talking with Ramsy about them today and tomorrow.  That's a bit of a challenge as I have to imagine what he might be thinking on any angle of the discussion and then turn each idea in to a yes-or-no question.  (Interesting how I used to want to work as a translator....)

Even though we were pretty much expecting to receive this report, it is still saddening and frustrating.  Then, just to round out the fun for the day, Ramsy had a seizure in the van on the way home, and then another one in the evening.  Sheesh.  Of course, almost all of his seizures occur on weekends when we can't get hold of his doctor or nurse.  Hopefully there won't be any more this weekend.

Thanks for the love you send us and the prayers you say for us.  We need them a lot this weekend.


  1. Wow! You guys are on our minds and in our hearts!

    Praying for strength and energy for you Shannon. I know you must feel carried by God during all of this.

  2. I was so sad to hear this news. I ache for you all and wish I could do something to help. Will continue to pray for strength, endurance, and wisdom, as you decide what to try next.
    Love always, Eileen

  3. Love, Love, Love
    Prayer, Prayer, Prayers
