Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Uphill through the fog, both ways, in bare feet, in 4-foot snowdrifts...

We are 3 days away from Ramsy's MRI, and it is coming none too soon, let me tell you!  We are very anxious to see whether his increased symptoms are coming from rebound swelling (as mentioned in an earlier post, our doctor says that sometimes when a tumor shrinks, there is swelling as a reaction) or from tumor growth.  Then we will decide together with our medical team what the appropriate treatment is- continue with this study drug (also known as "the mystery drug" in our house) or return to the temozolomide (chemo drug from earlier) on a schedule of 3 weeks on, 1 week off. 

It is very difficult for Ramsy to talk.  He can say "yes" and "no" most of the time, and sometimes other individual words (especially "chips") or even a whole sentence ("I--would--like--some--more--soup.").  His right leg is quite weak, and he is noticing increasing fogginess, similar to what he experienced a few weeks ago before we increased his steroids.  This is discouraging for him, of course, and for the rest of us.  I try not to panic but to keep calm and get the job done, whatever job that is at the moment.  Funnily enough, the day before we found out he had a brain tumor, I picked up a cool tin in Chapters that I had always liked, and it was on sale, so I bought it with a gift card I had.  It's red and has a picture of a crown on it and says, in large friendly letters, "Keep calm and carry on."  It sits on my dresser and is amazingly appropriate over and over again.

Since we are not currently busy with speech homework, and the kids are around for summer holidays, we are doing more playing of board games, watching shows together, listening to audiobooks or books I read aloud, and that kind of thing.  I like to take Ramsy out in his wheelchair for a walk around town if it's not too hot for me, delicate flower that I am!  I can't say that my muscles are exactly toned, but I am certainly stronger than I was 6 weeks ago. (Thank you, Michael Jackson dance-along Wii game!)

That's all I have to say for now.... Stay tuned for further updates after the MRI.


  1. Sis, you are my hero.

  2. You guys are in my thots frequently. Will hope and pray for some positive news at the MRI appointment!
    Your strength and "Keep Calm" attitude amaze me! I keep sending up many "Lord have mercy" prayers for you all.
    Hugs from me.
    Love, Eileen

  3. Thanks so much for posting your journey "through the minefields". You are an amazing encouragement to us and to many others.
    You are often in our thoughts and prayers. May you take courage and strength from God's promise: "As your days, so shall your strength be." (Deut. 33:25)
    In His loving grip,
    Ted & Mary
