Sunday, October 16, 2011

A request

It is late, and I should be sleeping so I can get up with my kids in the morning, but I want to write this short post. I am finding these days that I am full of memories of Ramsy, loving reading through our old letters or reminiscing, and so longing to talk about him as well as to hear others tell me about their experiences with him. If you happen to have something that you would be willing to share with me, please do send me stories or memories about him, from "old days" or newer ones, goofy or serious or whatever.

My mailing address:

Shannon Unruh
Box 310
Oakville, MB
R0H 0Y0

OK- going to bed.


  1. Dear Shannon,
    I am so excited to write you a snail mail and I will do so, very soon. In the meantime, I have been thinking about Staff Meetings at Willow Park. You know how much Ramsy liked meetings (NOT), but each wednesday when the bagels were out and we were all visiting he would send off his wise crack now and then and I would get the giggles. One thing I appreciated about Ramsy was his sophisticated and quick wit. I smile everytime I think of him.
    Some of my favorite times were at Board Retreats when you got to come along. Then I really got to see his humour. You truly brought out the best in him. What a gift you were to him. It was so obvious that he adored you.
    Have a good night. I am thinking of you.

  2. As many people have commented, Ramsy had the ability to laugh at himself. We also know that with Ramsy's responsibilities at church, he often left the house early and you and the kids would come later. One such Sunday, Ramsy picked up on something very quickly after he saw you at church. He called you to the front and asked that you stand beside him, as he gave the congregation time to observe that you both very similarly dressed - like twin day at school! You were both wearing blue plaid shirts, beige pants and dark loafers! There is no question that great minds think alike!!


  3. Listened to Handfuls of Dust while heading to Banff with the sisters and thought of you and Ramsy as young musicians making great music.
    So pleased to have the songs on my iPod!
    Love Vi
