Monday, October 10, 2011


It is Thanksgiving Day here in Canada.  In some moments, it is difficult to be thankful.  When the pain is uppermost, I have wistfulness instead of gratitude; but the pain is not constant, and over the last almost-year, as we have traveled into the valley of the shadow of death, even as we continue wandering in that valley, we have been deeply thankful:
  • that Ramsy suffered minimal pain. He had occasional headaches- not even every day, and mostly easily relieved by Tylenol 1s.  We are very aware that this is not typical of a cancer experience, and we are grateful for this mercy.
  • that the tumor did not interfere with his thoughtful, loving, easy-going nature.  He retained the essence of his personality right to his last day.
  • that he always knew exactly who we were.
  • that the losses happened little by little.  Although enduring a year of perpetual loss has been deeply painful, it allowed me to make adjustments in the household, plan ahead with Ramsy for our finances, learn how to manage or delegate many of the tasks that he had always done, and to slowly become accustomed to being without him.  My heart aches for those of you who have had a loved one snatched away without warning.
  • that our suffering was not the result of any meanness or viciousness or violence from another person.  We have been surrounded by kindness.
  • that we have public health care and excellent insurance from Ramsy's employer.  Both of these, combined with the many gifts we have received, have allowed us to endure this illness and death without undue financial stress.  
  • that God is trustworthy even when we do not understand how he works or doesn't work.  He promised me in the first days of Ramsy's illness that he would look after me no matter what, and so I can keep walking through this fog.  He promised us that he has prepared a place for us with him, and that in that place everything will be made right and whole, so we can be glad for Ramsy and thankful for the confidence that we will also one day be at home there.
That is only a smattering of how we have experienced grace and mercy.  I wish I had time and space and the memory to write it all down here, but I hope that gives a hint of what I want express.

So I say to you, who are in an easy part of your life, "Happy Thanksgiving," and I say to you, who are in pain too, "Happy Thanksgiving.  If God has helped us, he will help you too."

Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. Grace, grace and more grace. Thanks for being such an incredible example to us.
    The thing that struck me most from the funeral, was how Ramsy put relationship above everything else, another amazing example. It's like "relationship, relationship" is chanting in my head. And now that we are home (in rainy, cold BC), Phil made me my morning coffee and looked at me and said, It's a New Day. We pray that daily hope for you too.

  2. You are an amazing woman, Shannon. God will be faithful as you continue your journey without your beloved Ramsay. In my bible study this week I read..."Christ's presence is the basis for courage in our storms. He does not always calm the storm, but He is always willing to calm His child." He said, "Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid!"
    May God bless you with His comfort and courage!
    Tami Thiessen

  3. Oh Shannon, I am so overwhelmed with respect and awe for how you have dealt / Deal with Ramsy's illness and death. I have been thinking of you and the kids everyday, and have been praying for God's comfort and peace to minister to you all.
    You are in my prayers often.
    Love, Roxanne Price

  4. Shannon, I'm very sad to hear the news of Ramsy's death. I share his birthday and will always remember him on that day. I hadn't seen Ramsy since he was about 23 so it was nice to hear a bit about his life through your blog. I wish you and your children strength and peace in this difficult time.

  5. What an amazing woman you are! I was so moved by the beautiful service for Ramsy's funeral.
    I'm so glad for your years of having had such a wonderful husband and the children such a loving father! I know they were far too short.
    Your ability to think of things to be thankful for while bearing such pain and grief is incredible! You all will be in my thoughts and prayers often as you walk through the fog. Wrap yourself up in that prayer shawl and know that you are cherished!
    Love, Eileen

  6. Hi Shannon. Just wanted you to know that Ramsy's old MBBC friends have been praying for you and your family in your time of loss. You have all been a witness to myself and others in your trust in God in the valley you've been in in the last year. Your thanksgiving list, Shannon, inspired me to consider my own list, and I wrote about it in my blog today (My blog is called "Where was God in my day?" or WWGIMD). I referenced your story and linked your blog, I hope you don't mind. I think your witness to faith has encouraged many, including me. Thank you and I'll pray for your continued trust in God as you mourn Ramsy's loss.
    Lydia Penner
