Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hospital visits

It looks like Ramsy will be in the hospital for about a week, as it will take a few days for the needed equipment and assistance to be put into place.  I spent some time there today, mostly with the staff who are organizing all of this, and will pop back in for a bit this evening.

A few notes for people who visit him in the hospital: he is usually not wearing his glasses, so it's probably a good idea to say your name as you greet him since he may not be able to see your face clearly!  He can't speak, but he may chuckle or raise his eyebrows or grin in response to your greeting and comments.  He can hear perfectly well and understands much of what is said to him, but sometimes (especially if he is tired or has just woken up) it takes him a moment to process what you said.  Sometimes he can respond to a yes-or-no question with a nod or headshake, but often he uses facial expressions to respond.  He appreciates short visits, maybe 10 minutes, as he is still weak and tired. If I am not there, please write in the spiral-bound notebook so I can see who visited and chat with him about that.

I feel that I always end my posts with various thanks to people, and that seems to my readerly mind to be uncreative, but that's how it goes.  So I say again, thanks for the love you send our way and the prayers you say on our behalf.  When I put the prayer shawl on Ramsy's chest when he is settling in to sleep, I tell him, "These are the prayers of the people."  And he smiles.


  1. I hope this week will bring some much needed respite for you Shannon, and that you will get the equipment and nursing support you need to be able to continue caring for Ramsy at home, for as long as you can manage. Tears fall, and my heart aches for all of you as I think of you bearing these heavy burdens day after day. Give my love to Ramsy and the kids, and know that you also have an invisible prayer shawl wrapped around you!
    Much love, Eileen

  2. I forgot about the prayer shawl! What a beautiful picture your last 2 sentences paint in my mind. I love that. And I love you too.


  3. Was thinking of all of you this morning and just wanted you to know that we continue to pray for you and are loving you from out here.

  4. Just thinking about and praying for you and Ramsy today. Hope you feel a little extra of God's love and grace knowing that there is love for you guys down here in the states.

    Bob Munshaw

  5. Those of us who knew Ramsy from MBBC days (Cal, Lyle, myself to name a few) have Ramsy and your family in our thoughts and prayers, especially when we get updates from your blog. Thank you for writing so faithfully, and don't worry about thinking your endings are uncreative. Love is all that matters, and thanks are always timely.

  6. Rest,Rams my friend,and know you are loved.
    Shannon, you are blessing so many of us, by taking us "along" on this journey of yours.I cannot imagine how hard this must be for you!I only know that it is us who owes you so much thanks,for doing this blog so faithfully!

    Frank B.
